Saturday, September 3, 2011


For those of you who know me well, I have an irrational fear of sharks. Also, for those who know me, I am moving to Thailand in just over a month from now. The good news for me is that there is no major shark danger in Thailand. The bad news? - I have to deal with this list of wonderful pests instead:

1. Snakes, snakes and more snakes! 

Between the King Cobra and Pit Viper, I hope that I do not have the displeasure of finding one of these on my adventures. At least I have a good two hours to find long as I'm not bitten near/above the heart.

2. Giant Centipedes? Poisonous Caterpillars?! 

It may be true that I though these were only in science fiction movies.  As long as it's not big enough to eat me, I think I can live with this...unless it's in my shoe.

The Caterpillar may be cuter, colorful and fuzzy, but I'd appreciate it more it if keeps its poison to itself.

3. Ocean Dwellers 

I may not have to be on the constant lookout for man eating sharks, but I DO want to keep an ever closer eye out for dangerous Jellyfish, Lionfish, and painfully brutal Coral.

4. Scorpions, spiders, and LEECHES

Aside from the snakes, this may be my least favorite section of this list.  I've never been stung by a scorpion, and I'd like to say that for the rest of my life. I'd also like to keep a friendly relationship with spiders, even if they are furry and the size of my head.

As for leeches...they should die. One of the freakiest things I can think of.


Just say NO to disease! Malaria :/ - the medication for this is costing me enough already. Please, my blood is not really that tasty anyway.

6. Ants. Lots of Ants. 

I think I've said enough here.

7. Dogs and Monkeys 

I've ended with what seems to be the least worrisome creatures.  Sure, they're abundant and I'll probably see many more of these than I will King Cobras, but I'd like to think they're less threatening in a way. However, it's best not to get rabies abroad.

And that about sums up my list of dangerous things that can kill me in Thailand.  Here's to a safe, peaceful, sting/bite/pain free journey!

Information gathered from the wonderful blog: - Thanks for the info!

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