Monday, February 21, 2011

Stan Can Have His Own Plan

I've got a plan. It's quite lovely.  And I'm afraid if I let this one pass I'll regret it.  So here's my plan - my plan to finally get some motion going on in life.

Step 1: Find a job any job. 

No more fussing, take anything you can get. Work as often as possible and do a damn good job doing it.  Be happy about it - because in the future the rewards will be had!

Step 2: Find an awesome fundraising plan

So far I'm considering a keg party, selling Avon, or auctioning off my girlfriends to guys for a date (any girls willing?).  I will make this happen.  Send me more ideas on this section please!

Step 3: Make $2000

Aside from other money needed from basic living costs, and buy a plane ticket to Beijing, China. That's right. China.

Step 4: Quit hideous job I've been pretending I love

It got the job done - and now it's time to say goodbye.

Step 5: Board plane to Beijing, China. 

Step 6: Get off plane. 

Step 7: Tour around 

At this point I will unwind from my tightly bound self and relax and make no more plans (my planning now is not included in this).

Step 8: Take train to Thailand

And possibly do some volunteer work.

And do other things and pretend like I never have to go home and enjoy the moment.

Step 9: Go back to America.

Step 10: Get a real job.

Yes, now that I will have finally gotten to do something I WANTED to do and didn't HAVE to do it is time to grow up.  It's time to find a job I do like and do work!

And that my friends, is a plan not even Stan could make! 

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