Saturday, September 3, 2011


For those of you who know me well, I have an irrational fear of sharks. Also, for those who know me, I am moving to Thailand in just over a month from now. The good news for me is that there is no major shark danger in Thailand. The bad news? - I have to deal with this list of wonderful pests instead:

1. Snakes, snakes and more snakes! 

Between the King Cobra and Pit Viper, I hope that I do not have the displeasure of finding one of these on my adventures. At least I have a good two hours to find long as I'm not bitten near/above the heart.

2. Giant Centipedes? Poisonous Caterpillars?! 

It may be true that I though these were only in science fiction movies.  As long as it's not big enough to eat me, I think I can live with this...unless it's in my shoe.

The Caterpillar may be cuter, colorful and fuzzy, but I'd appreciate it more it if keeps its poison to itself.

3. Ocean Dwellers 

I may not have to be on the constant lookout for man eating sharks, but I DO want to keep an ever closer eye out for dangerous Jellyfish, Lionfish, and painfully brutal Coral.

4. Scorpions, spiders, and LEECHES

Aside from the snakes, this may be my least favorite section of this list.  I've never been stung by a scorpion, and I'd like to say that for the rest of my life. I'd also like to keep a friendly relationship with spiders, even if they are furry and the size of my head.

As for leeches...they should die. One of the freakiest things I can think of.


Just say NO to disease! Malaria :/ - the medication for this is costing me enough already. Please, my blood is not really that tasty anyway.

6. Ants. Lots of Ants. 

I think I've said enough here.

7. Dogs and Monkeys 

I've ended with what seems to be the least worrisome creatures.  Sure, they're abundant and I'll probably see many more of these than I will King Cobras, but I'd like to think they're less threatening in a way. However, it's best not to get rabies abroad.

And that about sums up my list of dangerous things that can kill me in Thailand.  Here's to a safe, peaceful, sting/bite/pain free journey!

Information gathered from the wonderful blog: - Thanks for the info!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Stan Can Have His Own Plan

I've got a plan. It's quite lovely.  And I'm afraid if I let this one pass I'll regret it.  So here's my plan - my plan to finally get some motion going on in life.

Step 1: Find a job any job. 

No more fussing, take anything you can get. Work as often as possible and do a damn good job doing it.  Be happy about it - because in the future the rewards will be had!

Step 2: Find an awesome fundraising plan

So far I'm considering a keg party, selling Avon, or auctioning off my girlfriends to guys for a date (any girls willing?).  I will make this happen.  Send me more ideas on this section please!

Step 3: Make $2000

Aside from other money needed from basic living costs, and buy a plane ticket to Beijing, China. That's right. China.

Step 4: Quit hideous job I've been pretending I love

It got the job done - and now it's time to say goodbye.

Step 5: Board plane to Beijing, China. 

Step 6: Get off plane. 

Step 7: Tour around 

At this point I will unwind from my tightly bound self and relax and make no more plans (my planning now is not included in this).

Step 8: Take train to Thailand

And possibly do some volunteer work.

And do other things and pretend like I never have to go home and enjoy the moment.

Step 9: Go back to America.

Step 10: Get a real job.

Yes, now that I will have finally gotten to do something I WANTED to do and didn't HAVE to do it is time to grow up.  It's time to find a job I do like and do work!

And that my friends, is a plan not even Stan could make! 

Monday, February 14, 2011


Today's theme has no choice but to coincide with what day it is.  To those who have someone to love - It's known as Valentine's Day.  For those who don't - Happy Singles Awareness Day! Either way, let's not be negative nancys and be happy that today is a holiday to share feelings of love (whether just between friends or something more).  No Debbie Downers here please!

1. Clever Valentine's Day Cards - A Must::


2. But please don't buy one for yourself and claim it's from your cat:

3. And this might be true: 

4. But giving these might work better: 

5. And if you're alone you could always do this:


Eat Chocolate, Cuddle With Kitty, Or Go Be Happy With Someone...
but don't be sad :( 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Today I dedicate my blog to my cat who is conveniently named Tuesday.  Here's a list of why she's cool.

 1. I bought her from the pound - on a Tuesday.

2. She learned to play fetch as a yearling.

3. She has hair on the bottom of her feet.

4. She's a crazy good cuddler in the morning or when I'm feeling down.

5. If you're downstairs while she's upstairs entertaining herself, it sounds like THUNDER!

Point is, my cat is cooler than yours :D!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday, Monday

Here's a list of quotes that have to do with Monday.  Since it's Monday and all. And I forgot to write one for today since I took a break this weekend.

So - here's Monday.

1I read in the newspapers they are going to have 30 minutes of intellectual stuff on television every Monday from 7:30 to 8. to educate America. They couldn't educate America if they started at 6:30. - Groucho Marx, what a jerk.  

2. On Monday mornings I am dedicated to the proposition that all men are created jerks." - H. Allen Smith, I don't know who she is, but I like her. 

3. "On Monday when the sun is hot, I wonder to myself alot, 'Now is it true, or is it not? That what is which and which is what'" - A.A. Hodge, that's a good rhyme. 

4. "See you Monday. We'll be talking about Freud and why he did enough cocaine to kill a small horse." - Thank you Good Will Hunting. 

5. "On Monday, President Bush will reach his 100th day in office.  It's a big milestone for him, surpassed all expectations.  In fact, so has Dick Cheney.  Cheney was only supposed to make it to say 73." - Jay Leno. Dick Cheney Jokes = good jokes. 

6. "I also hate those holidays that fall on a Monday where you don't get mail, those fake holidays like Columbus Day. What did Christopher Columbus do, discover America? If he hadn't, somebody else would have and we'd still be here. Big deal." - John Waters, Monday holiday hater.

7. And Lastly, "Looks like somebody has a case of the Mondays!" - Office Space

That pretty much sums it up.  Hope you had a lovely Monday.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Resolutions (Not New Years)

Whoever made New Years the official resolution making time was a fool.  Half the time I never think of a good one until at least march.  So today (after I forgot that I was making this a daily routine and almost didn't write a blog), I'm writing my resolutions for February (and possibly many more months to come).

1. I will not spend Valentine's Day alone moping around because I've been single on this date for 22 years.  However, I will enjoy plenty of ice cream, chocolate, and wine - I'll just be happy about it this time.

2. I WILL find a job.  Even if that means I'll be working at the Home Depot (if they'll hire me)!

3. I will volunteer my time at least one day a week.  It makes me all happy inside (and petting cats and dogs for an hour really isn't all that bad).

4. I will read a good (or just sappy and pathetic) book every month.  Start giving me some good ones (PS I'm not really into well written literature).

5. I will get my new puppy to listen to me and to walk on a leash...maybe.

6.  I will spend more time with Tuesday.

7.  I will decide what the heck I want to do - whether that's grad school or holding out for the job - and apply!

8.  I will write this blog EVERYDAY! So don't let me forget.

9.  I will work out 5 times a week - whether I like it or not - and feel comfortable with myself for the summertime!

10.  I'll be happy with whatever comes my way :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Places I'll Go

Today I was at a loss for what list I wanted to make.  I was able to come up with about a 100 different ones that were leaning toward the negative - but I don't really want to complain every single minute of the day.

So here's my list:  Places I will go when I have a steady job, vacation time, and the resources (money) to do so.  Until then - I'll just be searching the internet day after day hoping my dream job will appear.

1. Phuket, Thailand
Who doesn't want to go to a place with that name?

2. Yellowstone National Park
Look at the Geysers!

3. Great Wall of China
It's in the name.


4. Galapagos Islands
To walk in Darwin's steps.

5. Egypt
I'm all about the history.

6. Italy
Lasagna = Love.

7. Machu Picchu
It's an adorable name


8. Torres Del Paine National Park, Chile
Look at those mountains!

9. Redwood Forest
I really like trees.

10. Ireland
I may not be 100% Irish - but I'd still like to visit sometime.


Other noteworthy places I'd like to go to are:

Stonehenge, Fiji, Colorado, Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, Canada (to see the lovely beavers!), Greece, Spain, St. Petersburg, and many more.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Life of Luxury

Many of us who live in the modern world don’t realize how lucky we are until the things we love are taken away.  On this cold winter day in Texas, the masses are experiencing outages of power and freaking out about it. Some even have frozen pipes which causes their always ready water source to be depleted.  No TV, no internet, no video games, no heating?! Us Texans are not happy campers. 

But in the grand scheme of things – what are we complaining about.  There are people around the world who deal with these problems day in and day out.  No clean water, no readily available power, no heating or A/C?  Must be terrible. 

Therefore my list today is dedicated to those who survive in these conditions daily and don’t live in the luxurious life many of us enjoy.  Here are some facts about these people. 

1.  Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.  80% are below the poverty line, and the country was devastated by the January 2010 earthquake that affected 3 million people.  

2. There are approximately 1.1 billion people who do not have adequate water supply in developing countries.   To put that in perspective, the ever growing country of China an approximate population of 1.3 billion.  

3. Children are also suffering due to insufficient water supplies.  About 1.4 million die each year due to unclean water or inadequate sanitation.  

4. 2.5 billion people who live in developing people use 'biomass', (wood, waste, alcohol fuels) for energy needed to cook.  There's no microwaves or electric stoves here! 

5. Those in the life of luxury (unless you're a super model), love food and have a plethora of options each day, multiple times a day.  925 million people go hungry everyday.  Because of this, 10.9 million children who are under 5 years old die in a year.  

6. Lastly, many people love the days they get to skip school or work due to bad weather conditions.  There are 121 million children who are of age to attend school - but can't due to their living conditions.  

So be thankful for what you're given, and next time you experience rolling blackouts, power and water shortages, and school/work cancellations - grab a book, a blanket, and feel damn lucky! 


Monday, January 31, 2011


Here's a list of the cutest kitties on the web: I dedicate it to all of the adorable kitties at the Freeman-Fritts Animal Shelter.

1. I may be biased, but my little Tuesday is a damn cute kitty!

2. Even kitties can bring world peace -

3.RIP  Bonk Bonk Bonk - Youtube this unique kitteh.

4. Batman Kitteh

5. Sweater Kitteh

6. Even a Great Dane can't resist this little guy -

7. Classic awesome warrior kitteh

8. Lucy-Goosey's photo is MIA - but this MANX will fill in for her -

9. This one's for those over the age of 40 -

10.  And Alice - the showering kitteh!

11. And finally - normally I would choose one last photo to exemplify the opposite of what's a cute kitty.  BUT since all kitties are cute in their own unique way - I give you this guy!

Adopt-A-Kitty at your local shelter & Spay and Neuter your pets!